
Heather Gueffier is a gifted actress who has appeared in several 35mm film productions. Her supporting role as Francesca in the supernatural thriller, "DREAMS OF DARKNESS", is her most recent work. This 35mm feature, by Synamagik Films, is currently in post-production and the official trailer for the motion picture can be seen here:

An experienced figure skater and speed skater, Heather starred in the official Wisconsin lottery commerical, "Great 8's", where she performed all of her own difficult ice skating manouvers with a live chainsaw.

She also appeared in the 1990's series, The Untouchables", starring William Forsythe.

Heather is a professional voiceover artist as well and has a variety of modeling and print experience, too. She has degrees in radio broadcasting and telecasting production and experience in all aspects of media and commercial work.







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